Local Tour Operator


Ampefy and Lemurs Park Day Trip

Price €60 1 Day
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Ampefy and Lemurs Park Day Trip

€60 per person

Depart  from your hotel at 8.15 to begin the 120 km drive west of the capital. About half an hour outside the capital we will stop at the Lemurs Park, a super private reserve where we will be able to see from very close range different species of lemurs (Black and white ruffed Lemur, Common brown Lemur, Coquerel’s Sifaka, Crowned Sifaka, Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur, Mongoose Lemur and Ring Tailed Lemur). After a guided visit of about 1 hour, we will continue west towards Analavory. At Analavory, we continue north towards the Geysers of Andranomandroatra. After the visit we head south to the village of Ampefy where we will have time for a lunch (not included) before heading back to the capital. Return to the capital by 7 PM depending on traffic.

Prices per person

  • 1 Traveler €160 
  • 2 Travelers €110  
  • 3 Travelers €90  
  • 4 Travelers €80
  • 5 Travelers €70
  • 6 Travelers €60

For more options, please contact us

Tour Location

The Main Sights of the Tour
Lemurs Park
25 km west of Antananarivo, Lemurs Park allows you to see lemurs, turtles and some chameleons. This pretty park has been created from scratch: the trees have been planted and the animals imported.
Ampefy is located on the shores of Lake Itasy, the 3rd largest lake in Madagascar. The region is beautiful and enjoys a nice microclimate. Lake Itasy, full of fish, attracts fishing enthusiasts. Not far from Ampefy, the geysers, the falls of Lily and it is famous for wild boar hunting!